We have been working hard on the stock fences over the past few weeks. The electric fence had many shorts, and was losing power, and the cows were taking advantage of the situation, and breaking through the fence at will. Jesse worked hard and largely overcame the problems. Here he is assisted by Ali and Ian.
Even though the current in the fence is now giving a good belt, Angie is still breaking through, lured by the greener grass on the other side of the fence. She really has a thick skin.
We were also delighted to get the power hooked up to the new implement shed.
As well as the spouting up on the cob cottage.
Ali's chicks are growing quickly, but the younger ones are still just balls of fluff and skin.
The youngest chicks are causing us some consternation, though. All of the clutch but two look like this.
Then there are the two odd balls,who are half the size of their brothers and sisters, and only half the feathers are formed on their bodies. Even our chicken expert, George is unsure just why they are so different. We are waiting and watching to see just what they will become.
Wwoofer Nico is a baker in his French homeland, and very kindly shared his skills with us, making his speciality brioche. He used my sourdough starter, (and gave it the thumbs up) and ten eggs, butter and flour.
The results were delicious.
We also welcome Lucy to the farm, she is Joy's first calf, Angie's older sister. She is all grown up now, and is expecting her first calf this spring. We have purchased her as a breeding cow, and love the her dun coat, making a nice contrast to Joy's black coat.