And yet more new arrivals to Earthstead. Four new calves have been delivered, three Dexter / Jersey crosses, and one miniture Hereford/ Friesian cross. Joy , our Dexter milking cow, Angie her calf, and Mark the Whiteface steer were a bit unsure about the new comers, so we left them to sniff each other through the fence today, tomorrow we will put them all together. We are hoping they will become one big happy family, but time will tell.
Things have settled down with the chickens, although it took a long time for our girls to accept the new rooster - they refused to go into the chicken house at night, and insisted on sleeping rough under the fig tree. We have named the rooster Saddam, because of the terror he struck in them. Lets hope his tour of duty at Earthstead is fruitful with lots of offspring.
Wwoofer Sylvia continues to work on the snake mosaic, cutting most of the pieces today. I hope to start laying them over the weekend, there are a few problems to iron out first, but nothing Sylvia and I can't handle!
We harvested our garlic in the last week, and wwoofer Cait plaited it into this lovely garland to hang and dry. This is the first time in a while we have grown our own garlic, and we are thrilled with the results.
Suzie, I have just read most of this blog. I haven't seen it before--it's wonderful! So lovely to see the cows and woofers and the lovely tiles and you and Al, and to find out all the news from Earthsteadlodge. It's looking so beautiful, and the name is a winner too. x x x