Monday, March 1, 2010

Another step along the way!

We have at last glued our last tile in to place, Ali did the deed, and we all heaved a huge sigh of relief.

On Friday night, Ron and Beryle came out for dinner as usual, along with our good friends Wendy and Stu. Ron always seems to be surrounded by beautiful women, and Friday evening was no exception. Here he shows off the tile he designed, using the circular emblem which was his trademark during his days as a potter.

Now that we are nearing the end of the tiling, ( we still have the grouting and sealing to complete ) it is time to begin the big clean-up. We are planning to hold the engagement party for our son Winston and his fiancée, Sarah in the house in a few days, and we will need all the help Ericka and Kristi can give us if we are to achieve this ambitious goal!

The 5 chicks George hatched for us are doing very well, as you can see in this photo, but Ali has not had much luck with his chick production operation here at Earthstead.
We believe the roosters did their job - George assures us that both of them are proven performers, and the clucky hens certainly did their part, sitting so patiently on their eggs, but at the end of the day only one chick hatched from the ten eggs we had under the cluckies.
George believes the huge thunder storms which were so prevalent a couple of weeks ago are the cause of our problems. Apparently thunder is lethal to embryos between the 7th and 14th day. Ali is not giving up and this week George's best rooster is arriving to stay with our girls, and the whole operation will begin once again, only this time, the eggs will go back to George's home to be hatched by one of his clucky hens.


  1. What a great idea to include Grandpa in doing a tile. I love it. Wish I could have designed one!

  2. Yes, we would have loved to have one from both you and Dave. I did one to celebrate Win and Sarah's engagement, and Meredith did one for herself and Beryle, a big "M". There will be plenty of time, we will be tiling the cob cottage during the next year.
