Sunday, March 14, 2010

Winston and Sarah's Engagement Party

The party got off to a great start with a surprise visit from a piper who kindly lead the procession for the haggis. It was such a rousing call to hear the bagpipes played in our new building.

The day of the party coincided with Ron's birthday, so he was also given a birthday call by the piper.

Winston and Sarah took the haggis around on a platter, a great way for them to say hello to everyone. We all were keen to have a taste of the delicious stuff, and very little was left over at the end of the night.

Nicks, Ella, Tom and Wendy have a good look at the scan photo of Win and Sarah's baby.

Jasmine and Steven enjoy the leather lounge - the earth house was a great venue.

Everyone got into the swing of things and dressed in kilts and tartan. Sarah was most impressed.

All eyes were on Win and Sarah as they made their first speech as a couple.

Cutting the cake - a very rich delicious chocolate cake.

Win catches up with Sarah Parker

The happy couple. (it's amazing how friendly a little whisky will make you feel)

Win and Sarah finally get a chance to sit and chat with Angela and Dan.

Indy fell asleep at her owners feet, she loved the party and was very well behaved.


  1. Congratulations! I must Agree with Angela and say that the O'Keeffe grape vine is really slowing down we now know either! But fantastic news!

    Tam, Joe and Co

  2. Hey thanks for that, we were delighted when the engagement was announced in October, and breathless when the baby was announced in November. Happy and breathless at the same time, if you know what i mean!
